About Me

Moving from the US to the Philippines when I was young was hard, with all chaotic driving in the congested streets, and everywhere you go you could hear honks and beeps from the cars. However, in the Philippines, I became interested in swimming, music, learning and video games.

It was in the Philippines where I developed my passions. When I was young, I had a fear of the water, the fear of sinking and the fear of hopelessness. Now, I swim competitively against other people from distant schools. Before, I only listened to music and I was scared of playing in front of people, even my own family. Now, I sometimes play in front of hundreds of people in a concert. Before, I rarely played video games. Now, I do it regularly, trying to master most of the mechanics in the games that I own.

Learning also has kind of been a hobby to me, especially reading and writing. Although I read quite a lot of cool books, it has been an on/off thing for me. Sometimes I read a couple of books a month, sometimes none. Over long vacations, I read long books just for variety of playing games. And as well, I do math, solving hard problems and trying to challenge my mind.