The Fairness of Arguing

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Arguing is quite essential to our life. Mathematical or scientific arguing is used for making new discoveries, which could then be used for the betterment of humanity as a whole. There is also arguing in front of an audience, where the speaker would have to use different methods of persuading to have the audience back the speaker, an example being political debates. Finally, there is the most common form of arguments, which is between different individuals. Some arguments might just be friendly conversations, while others could be extremely aggressive and violent. There is a lot of variation of arguments around the world.

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However, because there are so many variations of arguing (although they can be boiled down to 3 types), some are not bound to be fair to each person, and could be extremely one-sided. One could extensively threaten another person to do what the first person wants.

Usually, when talking about fair arguments, one would need to look at the people who are arguing, and the experience in arguing that they have. For example, if a person who has no experience in arguing goes against a negotiator or someone who does this as a profession, then it wouldn’t be a competition. The person who has more experience would have a lot more methods to use when arguing.

In today’s society, we cannot have a perfectly fair argument between different people. One would always have more or less resources than the other. In an argument of today, some might have more evidence backing his claim than the other, and maybe more people support it. There will always be more research of one perspective on a certain argument than the other, such as for example the large amount of evidence that :Global Warming exists, and the few amount of research that proves it doesn’t. But in the future, where society has advanced drastically, is it possible for humans to have a perfectly fair and balanced argument?

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One thought on “The Fairness of Arguing

  1. Hello Stefan,

    I really enjoyed reading your post. Clearly you put a lot of thought and effort into the blog post, as you explain all of the topics and your question with a lot of information and detail.
    You’ve mentioned that there are a lot of forms of arguments, wether it would be a friendly fight, or a political situation, or even a mathematical or scientific argument in order to prove something.
    I like your question that you posed at the end, it is definitely a debatable question and two or even more people could definitely have an argument about arguments.

    Good job!


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