BBC: Donald Trump protests: Washington leads global rallies

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More than 200,000 people are gathering for the “Women’s march on Washington”, part of a global day of protests for the incumbent president of the United States Donald Trump. The rally is one of the more than 600 protests worldwide to highlight women’s rights, which protesters believe to be under threat from the new administration.

Almost immediately after his inauguration, Donald Trump signed an executive order targeted to Obamacare.

Celebrities such as Katy Perry, Amy Schumer, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Moore and more are expected to attend to the march in the capital of the United States.

However, there will be protests in some 300 cities across America, and more worldwide.

Protesters said that the march wouldn’t be about women rights, but it will also “attract people of all genders, ages, races, cultures, political affiliations and backgrounds”,  with the marches being supported by Amnesty International.

During the marches, authorities would be on standby to avoid any of the violence that happened during the inauguration of Donald Trump, when protesters smashed the windows of businesses and “denouncing capitalism and the new president”.

Although these protests are targeted to the president of the United States, it is very clear that this impacts people across the world. Not only is there protests across the nation, but also across the world. The protesters really want to highlight women’s rights to the incumbent president of the United States.

Also, Trump is now officially the president of the United States, which makes him essentially the leader of one of, if not the, most powerful nations in the entire world. And the people really want him to know that he can do something about it.


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